Published posts
and articles
My posts on CUP's World of Better Learning Blog
​Hybrid? Blended? Synchronous or asynchronous? How do you take your online teaching?
Hybrid teaching: tips for smoother lesson planning and task design
A teacher’s experience of… hybrid classes: incorporating online and face-to-face teaching
5 task ideas for final lessons (July 2022)
Short projects for summer months (August 2022)
5 reasons why teachers should scroll TikTok every day (October, 2022)
Dealing with stressful situations: teachers and students (November, 2022)
Integrating life competencies into our lessons (December, 2022)
4+1 Online Business Teaching Tips on the Angol Intézet Teacher Training blog
Engaging and Exciting Homework Tasks part 1 and part 2 on Anne Robinson's Teaching Together blog
- ​Articles in the Modern English Teacher (MET)
- ​Challenges of Hybrid Teaching, March-April 2022 ​​, pp. 59-61​
- Student Focused Assessment, July-August 2022, pp. 39-41
Five Steps To Create an Organised Remote Lesson or Course on Martin Sketchley's ELT Experiences blog​
​​How can we make hybrid teaching become reality? for GiLE
Has Time Come to Finally Revolutionise Assessment and Feedback? for GiLE
Conference talks
Webinars for Cambridge University Press
How to deal with hybrid teaching - creative ideas for hybrid learning at Cambridge Live 2022
Engage with Assessment at Cambridge Live 2022
Activity ideas for different online teaching scenarios for teens
Webinars for Euroexam International
Engaging and exciting homework tasks for Education Today 2021
NYESZE webináriumok és workshopok (HU)
Hatékony távoktatás - hogyan lássuk rendszerben tanfolyamainkat
Unom már a könyvet! A jó autentikus anyag megtalálása és kiaknázása
In-person Conference workshops and presentations
Engage with Assessment (workshop), IATEFL Annal Conference, Belfast, May 2022
Hybrid teaching: a monster that can be tamed (workshop), IATEFL BESIG, Gdansk, November 2022
The online extension of face-to-face education in order to increase efficiency (talk), Current Challenges in Teaching Foreign Languages, Corvinus University Budapest, December 2022